Ricky gifts a maple leaf bikini to Baby for Canada Day
Never mind that these two live in Ratland, not Canada… Ricky’s all-in for any opportunity to try to get Baby to wear a teeny bikini.


Baby appreciates Ricky’s Canada Day gift, but not in the way he hoped.


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Comic description

In case of broken image links or accessibility issues with today’s cartoon, here’s the gist of today’s cartoon:

Ricky and Baby are sitting on a loveseat and Baby is opening a gift he’s given her, holding up a red maple leaf bikini. She says, “An itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny bright red maple leaf bikini? Why thank you, Ricky. I’ll treasure it forever.”

Ricky grins and says, “Uh… I was hoping you’d wear it, Baby.”

She laughs and says, “Ha ha, don’t be silly!”